What is a new image request?
If you have received a new image request email from us or your order is at the new image requested status then this is because your images did not pass the quality check and our designer had concerns regarding your images.
Please read the email we have sent you as there will be details regarding which images are not suitable and why. You can also locate the details and the link via the website, when you log in to your account a pop-up should appear or you can find it under the my account section by clicking on
pending image requests.
Please follow the link we have sent which will provide you with the option to edit the design or accept the quality and print the canvas as it is.
When you edit the design you can change one/a few or all of the photos, you can also change the collage template if you wish. Once you have made the changes click add to cart, it will not actually take you to the basket stage but a pop-up will appear to let you know we have received the new version. We will check the new images and notify you if there are any further issues.
If you select accept your image will be sent straight to print as it is, we will not be able to make any further changes.
Please note our quoted processing time commences when we have a suitable image. Please allow 10-14 working days for production from this point.